Wijota Care Services

At Witoja Care Services, we provide individualized home care for seniors that is dignified, dependable, and relationship-focused. We think that everyone is unique, which is why we don’t give pre-packaged solutions, but rather aid that is personalized to your specific needs and will adjust as they evolve. From companionship to dementia care and home aid, our comprehensive home care services can assist you in continuing to live comfortably at home. We want your experience to be stress-free, which is why we provide a cost-effective care solution with pricing that are simple to comprehend and manage, giving you more control.


Wijota Care Services

Establishing a rapport with your Care Professional

Our carers are carefully chosen to complement the characteristics of the individual they will be visiting. Above and beyond their professional experience, we select people for their passion, friendliness, warmth, and empathy, as well as a diverse spectrum of interests. This is what aids in the development of a bond with the individual they care for and their family.

All of our Care Pros go through comprehensive background checks and get high-quality training to give them the confidence, knowledge, and skills they need to care for the elderly.


Care continuity

Our care services are built on relationships. When a Care Professional is assigned to you, you will always see the same individual. Your Care Pro will become acquainted with you as you become acquainted with them. Because they are so close, they can see anything unexpected and assist avoid diseases or accidents more readily.

Our visits usually last at least an hour to ensure that our carers are not hurrying and can devote their full attention to you. We also keep a family diary to keep family members updated on how their loved one is doing, which is especially helpful if they live far away.

The face of home care is changing.

Educating the United Kingdom

After an accident or sickness, most care decisions are made in haste. Instead, at Home, we are working hard to alter this. We believe that offering assistance at home can help to prevent – or at least postpone – accidents and diseases. It also allows older individuals to live fulfilling life in familiar settings for a longer period of time.

Our goal is to transform the face of care and assist individuals all around the UK in aging properly. We like sharing our vast expertise with families and the larger community. Here are some of our helpful home care resources:

Dementia seminars are held around the UK and are free to attend.

Online training tools, including videos and tutorials, to help you care for someone with dementia.

Community participation programs to safeguard the elderly from fraud and bring them joy during Christmas.

Advice and support articles to learn more about many topics related to care, aging, and dementia.

Get the help you require.

Make an inquiry with us to explore your treatment alternatives and receive the assistance you require.